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FAQ - Economic Risk Module

Cloud Generator for Economic Risk

The Proteus Scenario Generator

  • What models are available in the Proteus Scenario Generator?
  • What Assets & Liabilities can be modelled in the Cloud Generator
    Nominal and index-linked government bonds Fixed and floating rate corporate bonds Equities and index-like assets Residential mortgage-backed securities (*) General nominal and inflation-linked cashflow profiles Swaps (*) Cash
  • What can the Proteus Scenario Generator be used for?
    The Proteus Scenario Generator is designed to be suitable for: Insurance capital modelling, such as a Solvency 2 Internal Model and other economic capital models Asset Liability Modelling for insurers, pension funds and other institutional investors Strategic Asset Allocation studies Life-insurance valuation (using a market consistent calibration *)

Ecomomic Risk Module - Key Facts

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